Maoism For The Masses is a place to study Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and apply it to our modern world. We publish articles summarizing theory, telling the truth about history, and commenting on current events from a proletarian perspective.
We promote Maoism not as a dogma but as a weapon. As Marx and Engels had taught us countless times in their many works, ideology is useless without a practical application. Maoism is much more than the subject of edgy memes or half-century old propaganda posters. The world under capitalism has become too oppressive to keep it locked in the closet. In the era of climate change and imperialist aggression, socialism is as much a need of humanity as food or water.
Our movement will only succeed if it is guided by concrete revolutionary theory. From the classics of Marx and Engels, through the practitioners led by the likes of Lenin and Mao, to the new wave led by people like Chairman Gonzalo, great comrades have guided the proletarian struggle for all of it’s existence. If revolution were just to happen on it’s own, this website wouldn’t exist. We must be that revolution. That’s why our primary purpose is to synthesize theory with practice and help pave the way forward for the proletarian revolution.
As such, the purpose of our posts and articles will be to:
- Expanding our comrades’ knowledge of the three components of Maoist theory.
- Guiding and advising our comrades’ revolutionary praxis.
- Educating the masses on the history of our ideology/provide an accurate take on world politics, especially in “communist countries”.
- Promoting Maoism and the proletarian world outlook to anyone who could be part of our struggle!
We (as in the site editors) are merely part of the wider communist movement, and we stand on what revolutionary movements of the past and present built. We named it “Maoism for the Masses” for a reason. You are much more important to both this website and our struggle than we are. As such, it is your duty to engage in both theory and in practice. Read Maoist theory and history, discarding bourgeois distortions of both. Educate and organize the masses into Maoist Party Formations and United Fronts. Create the foundations for peoples war, no matter where you are.
And lastly, remember what Comrade Stalin probably didn’t say but is true nevertheless:
Check out our other sites and spaces here, here, and here.
If you want to contact me personally, use the email here: